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The Future of the Responsible Company with Vincent Stanley, Patagonia

The Future of the Responsible Company with Vincent Stanley, Patagonia

Vincent Stanley is the Director of Philosophy at Patagonia having worked there since the very start of the company, holding various roles in sales and marketing, and over the last decade, operating as the Director of Philosophy. He's informally known as the chief storyteller of the iconic company.

The occasion for our conversation is the publication of Vincent's latest book with Patagonia founder Yvon Chouinard, "The Future of the Responsible Company", which is a must read. We start out discussing Vincent's connection with nature and then dig a bit deeper on some of the key topics in the book like the importance of community and having a sense of place, how we can connect industry leaders with nature, and changing the pace and language of business.

Massive thanks to Stephanie and Gin from Vincent's team and Patagonia for making this happen. And to Vincent for not just taking the time to chat but being an incredible leader and example for the business world.

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Ecosystem Member
Ecosystem Member explores the relationship people have with nature and the more-than-human world and how they bring it to their life and work.