Ecosystem Member
Ecosystem Member
Creating Intentional Trail Experiences with Renee Patrick, Thru Hiker and Trail Consultant

Creating Intentional Trail Experiences with Renee Patrick, Thru Hiker and Trail Consultant

Today's guest is Renee Patrick, a thru hiker, long distance trail consultant, and an environmentalist.

Renee is awesome for two specific reasons.

One, she's hiked some incredible long distance treks including the Triple Crown in the US, that's the Appalachian Trail, Pacific Crest Trail, and the Continental Divide Trail.

And two, she actually designs trails. Yes, Renee designs trails and how people experience them.

I am sure many of you are sort of like me and just assume trails appear as people walk repeatedly along the same path, and then some very nice folks come along and help maintain them and somebody maps them. Or maybe at the very least you just didn't really know exactly how your favorite trails got there, but Renee is one of those people who actually helps bring them to life in an intentional way.

Make sure to check out the episode and then check out Renee on Instagram @wearehikertrash ( to follow her amazing adventures and to see her latest projects.

She also hosts a forum called Intentional Hiking ( that we talk about in the episode that is well worth your time to check out.

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Renee on Instagram

Intentional Hiking

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Ecosystem Member
Ecosystem Member
Ecosystem Member explores the relationship people have with nature and the more-than-human world and how they bring it to their life and work.