Ecosystem Member
Ecosystem Member
How time in nature boosts health and creativity with Prof. Marc Berman, Environmental Neuroscientist

How time in nature boosts health and creativity with Prof. Marc Berman, Environmental Neuroscientist

We’re back with a new episode with a really fascinating guest - Professor Marc Berman, who runs the Environmental Neuroscience Lab at the University of Chicago, which studies how the physical environment affects the brain and behavior. 

You’ve probably heard Marc’s name before as he has been one of the go-to experts over the last few years when it comes to understanding how time in nature can improve our cognitive capabilities.

This was an interesting chat as Marc came to nature through education, through research with Dr. Steve Kaplan, who specialized in environmental psychology, while he was a student at the University of Michigan. 

In the episode, we talk about some of the psychological and cognitive benefits of interacting with nature, the difference between voluntary and involuntary attention, the type of natural experiences that are beneficial (spoiler - they can be as simple as your local park) and how some of these benefits can be derived by simply looking at pictures of nature.  

We also talk about an amazing app that Marc has been working on. If you are a software developer or in the tech world, make sure to listen to the end. 


Prof. Marc Berman in The Guardian -

Prof. Marc Berman on CNBC -

Prof. Marc Berman in APA -

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Ecosystem Member
Ecosystem Member
Ecosystem Member explores the relationship people have with nature and the more-than-human world and how they bring it to their life and work.